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Plataforma y red regional que tiene como objetivo identificar, mapear, estudiar y compartir tendencias futuras y desarrollos tecnológicos en sectores de importancia crítica para las Américas, y proveer insumos que puedan ser de utilidad para la toma de decisiones y la formulación de políticas públicas.



El objetivo de Prospecta Américas es compartir buenas prácticas y experiencias por parte de expertos regionales en prospectiva tecnológica, apoyar el desarrollo de capacidades, generar proyectos conjuntos de colaboración y mejorar la apropiación social del conocimiento de 10 tecnologías transformadoras identificadas como prometedoras para la región, a saber, Big Data; Internet de las cosas (5G); realidad virtual; inteligencia artificial; computación cuántica; robótica; edición de genes; ingeniería biomédica; manufactura 3D y 4D y nuevos materiales nano estructurados.


En 2019, Prospecta Américas lanzó el Primer Seminario Internacional sobre Prospectiva Tecnológica para las Américas, durante el cual más de 30 investigadores, expertos y líderes de los sectores públicos y privados presentaron y analizaron las oportunidades y retos de las 10 tecnologías antemencionadas para el desarrollo social, económico y sostenible de las Américas. El evento, realizado en Lima, Perú, contó con la presencia de más de 1.200 participantes en persona y más de 25.000 conectados vía webcast.


Como resultado del Primer Seminario, Prospecta Américas impulsa una red de Centros Interamericanos de Excelencia en Prospectiva Tecnológica en 10 tecnologías transformadoras. Estos Centros de Excelencia se enfocarán en las áreas de especialización, capacidades existentes e intereses de los Estados Miembros de la OEA. Realizarán estudios, identificarán e implementarán líneas de investigación específicas para abordar desafíos estratégicos de las Américas y buscarán soluciones a través de tecnología avanzada.

Los centros fomentarán la colaboración de gobiernos, universidades, centros de investigación, sector privado, ONGs y aliados.

Red de Investigadores, Expertos y Líderes

10 Tecnologías Transformadoras

1200 Participantes presenciales

25,000 Participantes en webcast

Prospecta Americas 2022
2022 MAY 18 Prospecta Americas Inaugural Session

2022 MAY 18 Prospecta Americas Inaugural Session

Inaugural Session PROSPECTA AMERICAS 2022 • Daryl Vaz, Minister of Science, Energy and Technology of Jamaica • Luz Elena Baños Rivas, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the OAS • Kim Osborne, Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS) • Omar Fayad Meneses, Governor of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico 14:45 – 15:15 Keynote address “Foresight in the Americas: The Future of Health, Work and Industry” • Fernando Ortega, Director of Research and Studies, National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC), Peru 15:30 – 17:00 Short Talks “Transformative Technologies and the Future of the Americas” Transformative Technologies and the Future of Education • Lauro Garcia, Digital Transformation, Public Sector, AWS The Future of Health • Ramon Sánchez Piña, Director of Sustainable Technology and Health Program, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University Quantum Computing • José Luis Rodriguez, IBM Quantum Senior Ambassador, IBM Mexico The Future of Food Production and Food Security • Javier Medina, Full Professor, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, Coordinator of the Foresight and Innovation Network of the Ibero-American Programme on Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) Fintech and the Future of the Economy • José Rodríguez, CEO of Museo del Caos, Director Blockchain Land in Talent Land, Investor in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Fintech businesses since 2013 like BITSO, Playbusiness and Bank to the Future • Luis Daniel Beltrán, Co-Founder and Tech. of Wemerang and HackerGarage, Mexico Moderator: Cesar Parga, Section Chief, Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology, Department of Economic Development, 17:00 – 18:00 Panel “Women in Technology” • Andrea Escobedo, Senior Professional, Government and Regulatory Affairs, IBM Mexico • Laura Romero Robles, Director of Academic Services at the School of Engineering and Sciences, Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico, President of the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of Engineering Institutions (LACCEI) and Member of the Matilda Research Chair on Women in Engineering in the Americas • Paola Amar, Vice-Chancellor for Research, Outreach and Innovation, Simon Bolivar University, Barranquilla, Colombia Moderator: Aryanne Quintal, Specialist, Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology Section, Department of Economic Development, SEDI/OAS
2022 MAY 19 Prospecta America

2022 MAY 19 Prospecta America

Keynote address “Blockchain: Non-Financial Uses” • Adrián Díaz, Kozolchyk National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade, Expert on Blockchain 9:45 – 10:45 Short Talks “Digital Transformation and the Future of the Americas” Digital Governance • David Oliva, Founder and Principal Advisor for Education, Research and Innovation at EUMex-Connect, Research Specialist on Transformative Technologies, OASCOMCYT Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality • Arantxa Guillen, Policy Programs Manager at Meta for Latin America and the Caribbean Transformative Technologies and Entrepreneurship • Lovaan Superville, Vice-President Science and Technology (Ag.), National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST), Trinidad and Tobago Moderator: Maryse Robert, Director of the Department of Economic Development, SEDI/OAS 10:45 – 11:45 Panel “Centers of Excellence of Prospecta Americas on Transformative Technologies for the Americas” • Alonso Huerta, Director General, Council on Science, Technology and Innovation of Hidalgo (CITNOVA), Mexico • Reynaldo Villareal, Director of AUDACIA Center on AI and Robotics, Simon Bolivar University, Colombia • Walter Estrada López, Director of the Center of Excellence on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (CEMAT), National University of Engineering, Peru Moderator: Cesar Parga, Section Chief, Competitiveness, Innovation and Technology, Department of Economic Development, SEDI/OAS 12:00 – 13:00 Short Talks “Nanosatellites and Space Robotics” • Luis Velasco, Space Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA – Zero Gravity • Gustavo Medina Tanco, Head of the Space Instrumentation Laboratory (LINX), Institute of Nuclear Sciences, UNAM, Mexico Moderator: Fernando Guzman, Engineer, Soletop, South Korea
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